Capital City Press

Capital City Press is a gathering place, both digitally and physically, for the exchange of ideas and education on the craft of writing. It gives EPL the opportunity to showcase and promote notable work from within our community, while also giving Edmontonians a chance to discover fantastic local writers and discuss their creations. Capital City Press aims to help support and grow writing in the community.

CCP Collection

Featured Writers

Tyler Gajda

Tyler is a writer, video producer, and comedian. She is the founder of Fourth Wall Creations through which she has produced over 400 videos, including the Dungeons & Dragons inspired sitcom The Playgroup, the Let’s Play series Last Play, and the video game essay series Deep Dive. She recently self-published her first novel, Iyeri's Blood, a young adult fantasy novel.

Tyler graduated in 2012 from the University of Alberta with a major in English Literature and a minor in Creative Writing. After graduating, she volunteered with the Writers’ Guild of Alberta’s Young Writers’ Committee, where she helped young writers continue their hobby into adulthood.

She currently works as the Senior Data Administrator for Boyle Street Community Services, developing data management systems and reporting infrastructure. She spends her nights curling, playing all sorts of board and roleplaying games, and cooking meals a goblin would enjoy.

Be sure to check out Tyler's Read It Again list which features some of her favourite books (and a video game) that she likes to go back and revisit.

Rhonda Parrish
David Berry

Past Featured Writers

Capital City Press Anthology

The Capital City Press Anthology is a new project from the Edmonton Public Library that publishes short stories, non-fiction, and poetry by local authors in a digital format. Our goal is to celebrate the creativity of our city and the Treaty 6 First Nations by providing opportunities for diverse, new, and thought-provoking voices to be heard. Volume 4 of the Anthology was released on July 2, 2024.

Capital City Press Anthology Podcast

You can listen to stories from past volumes on the Capital City Press Anthology podcast! Episodes are available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Blogs & Book Lists



Featured writers will host a variety of programs that are free for the community throughout the year. Annual events include the Capital City Press Book Festival and the Young Writers Conference.  

Event Card

Short Comedy Videos Workshop

Aug 6th | 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Join Featured Writer, Tyler Gajda as she shares how the classic three panel comic structure can be used to make hilarious videos and jokes.

CCP - BiblioEvents Feed

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Catalogue Carousel

EPL also provides access to databases and online libraries that include works by local authors. Check them out here.

CCP - Online Resources

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