Dyslexia-Friendly Books for Kids and Teens

Reading with dyslexia can be a challenge and so can finding books that are considered dyslexia-friendly. Thanks to publishers who are dedicated to producing books for readers facing literacy issues, more and more dyslexia-friendly titles are being released. Features of these types of books include off-white paper, more spacing between lines and letters weighted differently to help make them easier to read and decode. Some books are written with dyslexie font, a unique typeface which makes words easier to read. Check out dyslexie font to see what it looks like. 

EPL has made it easier to find these items in our catalogue. By typing in the search term “dyslexia-friendly books”, readers can now find these titles in our collection.

What about eBooks? Yes, eBooks too! Both Libby and Hoopla have dyslexia-friendly fonts. Once you borrow an eBook, you can easily adjust the font by selecting “OpenDyslexic” in Libby or by choosing “Dyslexic” from the fonts in Hoopla.

And finally, check out the super-readable book list we’ve put together for teens below. Happy reading!

EPL Picks Teen: Dyslexia-Friendly Books

Super-Readable titles for teens, all of which are also dyslexia friendly.

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