Interlibrary Loans
If the Edmonton Public Library doesn’t own an item that you’d like to borrow, you can use the Alberta Relais website to request titles. Search items from other libraries across Alberta and have them delivered to an EPL branch near you for pick-up.
Get Started with Interlibrary Loans
View our step-by-step guide to requesting an interlibrary loan through EPL.

Borrowing from Alberta Relais
Use the Alberta Relais portal to request titles that Edmonton Public Library does not own, including print books, CDs, and DVDs. Alberta Relais has content from all public libraries and some academic libraries in the province. Search for your title and follow the instructions to submit your request using your Edmonton Public Library card, or check on the status of your requests.
Looking for a newly published title? Suggest that EPL purchase it!
Can’t find what you’re looking for through Alberta Relais? Fill out our Interlibrary Loan Request Form, opens a new window and our ILL Team will try to track it down in libraries across Canada.