Share Your Story

The Edmonton Public Library (EPL) has been a cherished part of our community for years, offering access to books and more! It’s a place of learning, discovery, and connection. We believe every one of our customers has a unique story to tell about how EPL has touched their lives, and we want to hear yours!

You're a Part of Our Story!

We want to hear from you! Tell us how EPL has made a difference in your life.

Why Share Your Story?

In 2023, Edmonton Public Library (EPL) welcomed over 4.5 million in-person visitors and had over 9.2 million website visits. As a welcoming and inclusive learning hub, EPL means something unique to each individual. Beyond the numbers lies the human impact – from a child discovering the joy of reading for the first time, to a senior citizen accessing vital resources online, to a job seeker landing their dream job thanks to the Library's support. These are just a few of the transformative journeys fueled by the Library.

Your stories help us showcase the value and positive impact of EPL in our community.

By sharing your story, you can help us:

  • Inspire others in the community
  • Highlight the importance of library services
  • Advocate for library support
  • Celebrate the diverse ways EPL enriches lives

How to Share Your Story

Creating and submitting your video testimonial is easy:

  1. Click on the Record Your Reply button on the video below, it will open up a new window asking for your permission. Select Allow this Time and now you are ready to record your video.
  2. Record a short video (Up to 3 minutes) and tell us what the EPL means to you. Share your favorite memories, the programs or services you love, or any other experiences that stand out.
  3. Once you’re done, simply Submit your story.

If you prefer to submit a written testimonial:

  1. Click on the Write a Response button then type in your testimonial.
  2. To add a photo, click the image button to the left of the green arrow or wait until the next screen.
  3. Once done, click on the green arrow at the bottom.
  4. Enter your contact information.
  5. If you are willing to let us share your testimonial, check the box under the Send Your Response button before submitting.

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact us at

Your video may be featured on our website, social media, newsletters, or LCDs, helping us share the Library's story with community members, politicians, potential library philanthropists, volunteers, and the world!

Need Inspiration?

Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • Do you have cherished memories of visiting EPL with your family or as a child?
  • How has EPL been a place of connection for you?
  • Has the Edmonton Public Library helped you learn something new or grow in unexpected ways?
  • How has EPL made a difference in your life or the life of your family?
  • Have you turned to EPL during a challenging time in your life?
  • Do you have a favorite program, event, or resource at EPL? Tell us about it!
  • How has EPL helped you achieve a personal or professional goal?
  • Has EPL enriched your life with creative or cultural experiences?
  • How has EPL provided you with resources or opportunities that you wouldn’t have found elsewhere?
  • Has a book or program at the Edmonton Public Library sparked your imagination or brought you joy?
  • What do you love most about EPL?
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